Us Customs Prohibited Items Airsoft Toys

Us Customs Prohibited Items Airsoft Toys

Powered by the country's loftier de minimis rate, the Us of America'southward eCommerce market is second only to China's. Just those seeking to ship to the USA – eCommerce merchants or otherwise – demand to exist aware of what can and cannot be shipped into the state to avoid any problem during customs clearance.

All countries have agencies that regulate the movement of goods to protect the safety of their people or their interests. In the U.S., the U.S. Customs Border and Protection (CBP) enforces hundreds of laws on behalf of the various government agencies that regulate the motility of various types of goods into America.

To help you navigate U.S. customs, we've compiled a list of restricted items that may be commonly shipped but require additional clearance as well as a list of prohibited items that admittedly cannot be imported into the land.

Please note that the information provided here is nigh items that are generally restricted or prohibited from inbound the United states, and that private shipping companies could take other limitations on what they can or cannot ship. For more than information on items that Janio tin or cannot ship to the Usa, please contact us or speak with your assigned salesperson.

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USA's Restricted Items List

List of items that require permission to enter the country from different government agencies

In community clearance, restricted items refer to items that are regulated past government agencies and require boosted steps before they can be cleared at customs. Commonly, these come in the class of meeting certain standards gear up by the relevant government agency and registering or getting a license from that bureau before permission tin can exist granted to import these items.

Below is a summarised list of restricted items. For a more comprehensive list, you can cheque out the CBP'south 'Importing into the Us' guide.i

Please note that the information provided here is about items that are generally restricted or prohibited from inbound the United States, and that individual shipping companies could accept limitations on what they can or cannot ship. For more information on items that Janio tin or cannot ship to the United states, delight contact us or speak with your assigned salesperson.

  • Wellness and Beauty
    • Nutritional and Dietary Supplements
    • Medicine and Drugs
    • Cosmetics
    • Dental Instruments (including toothbrushes)
    • Veterinary Products (including pet medicine or vitamins, dental instruments, etc)
    • Medical Items and Pharmaceuticals
  • Contact Lenses and Eyewear
  • Consumer Electronics
    • CD-ROMs, CD Players
    • Computers with CD/DVD drives
    • Microwave Ovens
    • Televisions with cathode ray tubes
    • Infrared Products
  • Chemicals
  • Tobacco Products
  • Wood and Wood Products – International Plant Protection Convention
  • Fauna Products
  • Certain Food Items
  • Dwelling house and Living
    • Tableware

Health and Beauty Products

US imports of food, drugs, devices, and cosmetics is governed past provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The Food and Drug Administration of the Section of Health and Human Services administers this act.

This act prohibits imports of items that are adulterated, misbranded or are defective, unsafe, filthy or created in unsanitary conditions. Some of the items below volition be bailiwick to inspection by the FDA and may need i more twenty-four hour period to gene this in. Others require FDA clearance.

  • Nutritional and Dietary Supplements – personal importation of these items subject to:
    • The production is for a serious status for which effective treatment may not be bachelor domestically either through commercial or clinical means.
    • There is no known commercialization or promotion of the product to persons residing in the U.S.
    • The product does not represent an unreasonable run a risk.
    • The consumer affirms in writing that the product is for personal use.
    • The quantity is generally non more than a 3 month supply and either:
      • Provide the name and address of the doctor licensed in the U.S. responsible for  your treatment with the product, or
      • Provide bear witness that the product is for the continuation of a treatment begun in a foreign country.
    • For more info, see Personal importation on FDA's site2
  • Cosmetics (including bath and essential oils) – require FDA clearance
  • Dental Instruments (including toothbrushes) – requires FDA approval
  • Veterinarian Products (including pet medicine or vitamins, dental instruments, etc)
  • Medicine, Drugs, Medical Items and Pharmaceuticals – illegal to import without FDA approval

Please note that the information provided here is most items that are generally restricted or prohibited from entering the The states, and that individual aircraft companies could have other limitations on what they can or cannot ship. For more information on items that Janio tin or cannot ship to the U.s., please contact us or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Eyewear and Contact Lenses

Eyeglass lenses and frames must comply with FDA requirements while frames with demonstration lenses must be registered with the FDA. Prescription lenses require a separate medical device listing number.

'Demonstration utilise just' prescription lenses crave one of the following:

  • A drop ball test certificate from the shipper or manufacturer
  • A statement showing the lenses have been de-characterized (cannot exist sold)
  • The words "demo lenses" stamped across the lenses

To find more than data well-nigh this, check out the FDA's official folio.3

Please note that the information provided here is most items that are mostly restricted or prohibited from entering the Usa, and that individual shipping companies could accept other limitations on what they tin or cannot ship. For more data on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the United States, delight contact usa or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Consumer Electronics

Certain consumer electronics require clearance by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These tend to include products that emit waves such as infrared or lasers. Examples include:

  • CD-ROMs, CD Players
  • Computers with CD/DVD drives
  • Microwave Ovens
  • Televisions with cathode ray tubes
  • Infrared Products

Batteries are counted as dangerous goods as there is a risk of them leaking, exploding or catching fire on planes if not handled properly during the shipment. These products require special bombardment labels and need to be declared every bit dangerous goods on the airway nib. Not all shipping partners volition exist able to aid you lot ship dangerous goods such as these, so information technology helps to check with your partner on what they tin and cannot help y'all ship before creating your order.

Here is the FDA'southward guide on 'How to Go Your Electronic Production on the U.S. Market'.4

Please note that the information provided hither is almost items that are generally restricted or prohibited from entering the United States, and that individual shipping companies could have other limitations on what they tin or cannot ship. For more than data on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the Us, delight contact usa or speak with your assigned salesperson.


Can also include ink used in pens – Requires proper certification of compliance or exemption from requirements is present

Items that contain chemicals in bulk or as part of a mixture or commodity containing a chemical mixture, which tin include pens, fall under this category. Clearance of these types of items requires either:

  • Negative declaration – certification that the shipment is non subject area or is exempt from Toxic Substance Control Deed (TSCA) regulations
  • Positive declaration – certification that the shipment complies with TSCA regulations

The Toxic Substance Command Act (TSCA) regulates the manufacturing, processing, distribution in commerce, utilise, or disposal of any chemical substance or mixture that could be risky to people's wellness and the environment. You can cheque out the TSCA requirements for importing chemicals on the U.Due south. Environmental Protection Agency's official page.5

Delight note that the data provided here is virtually items that are generally restricted or prohibited from inbound the United States, and that individual shipping companies could have other limitations on what they tin can or cannot ship. For more information on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the Usa, please contact us or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Tobacco Products

Shipments of tobacco products like cigarettes are being restricted past an increasing number of states. Shipments of these products should exist sent to recipients who are licensed and authorized by relevant federal, state, provincial, or local police force or regulation.

Please note that the information provided hither is about items that are generally restricted or prohibited from entering the United States, and that individual shipping companies could have other limitations on what they can or cannot ship. For more than information on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the United States, please contact usa or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Wood and Forest Products

Wood and woods packaging materials are subject field to the Lacey Actsix and follow International Constitute Protection Convention

Rosewood – imports of manufactured rosewood items like furniture, instruments, etc are immune if the shipper provides a valid Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) allow for export from the exporter'due south origin country or territory.

Please note that the information provided here is well-nigh items that are generally restricted or prohibited from inbound the United states, and that individual shipping companies could have other limitations on what they can or cannot ship. For more information on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the Us, delight contact united states of america or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Animal Products and Animate being-by-products

For the purposes of our article, nosotros won't encompass meat products.

Certain items that are made using animal-by-products like clothes, jewellery, shoes, or belts may be prohibited from import into the US. These include:

  • All products made from bounding main turtles
  • All ivory, both Asian and African elephant
  • Rhino horn and horn products
  • Furs from spotted cats
  • Furs and ivory from marine mammals
  • Feathers and plumage products from wild birds
  • Most crocodile and caiman leather
  • Most coral, whether in chunks or in jewellery

For more info, cheque out the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service website.8

Please annotation that the information provided hither is about items that are generally restricted or prohibited from entering the United States, and that private shipping companies could have other limitations on what they tin or cannot send. For more information on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the United States, delight contact the states or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Sure Food Items

The CBP mentions that condiments, vinegars, oils, packaged spices, honey, coffee and tea can be brought into the U.Southward. However, bush meat fabricated from African wildlife and almost annihilation standing meat products similar bouillon, soup mixes and others are not permissible.

For more details, bank check out the Creature and Establish Health Inspection Service (APHIS) website.9

Please note that currently Janio is unable to ship any food-related to the United States. For more data on items that Janio can or cannot ship to the U.s., please contact us or speak with your assigned salesperson.

Prohibited List:

List of items that are denied entry into the USA under any circumstance

These items under most circumstances cannot be imported into the United states of america. You tin get more details about them at CBP's prohibited and restricted items listing.x

  • Drugs and Medicine prohibited by the FDA
  • Distilled spirit absinthe (except certain diluted brands)
  • Merchandise from embargoed countries
  • Items made with Dog and Cat Fur
  • Apocryphal Trademark and Copyrighted Articles

Getting items trapped in community is never a fun experience. Keep all that to a minimum with Janio Asia's customs and logistics expertise whether you're shipping to the United States or to and throughout Southeast Asia.

Want to detect out more than about our services or request a quote? Click the button beneath!

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  1. Customs and Border Protection – Importing into the United States A Guide for Commercial Importers
  2. Nutrient and Drug Administration – Personal Importation
  3. Food and Drug Administration – Sunglasses, Spectacle Frames, Spectacle Lens and Magnifying Glasses
  4. Food and Drug Administration – How To Go Your Electronic Product on the US Market
  5. Environmental Protection Agency – TSCA Requirements for Importing Chemicals | Importing or Exporting Chemic Substances nether TSCA
  6. Wood Legality – US Lacey Act
  7. ISPM 15 Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade
  8. Travel.State.Gov – Customs and Import Restrictions
  9. Animate being and Plant Health Inspection Service -Traveler Data
  10. Customs, Edge & Protection – Prohibited and Restricted Items

Us Customs Prohibited Items Airsoft Toys

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